
How do massage therapist salaries compare

There is great earning potential for a massage therapist in today’s marketplace. The salary of a therapist depends on where they work and the type of massage they provide. Studies have shown than a median massage therapist salary is approximately $37,000. Depending on your skill, location, and client base, yours could be higher or lower.


How Do Massage Therapist Salaries Compare?

Massage therapy programs can be done with minimal training or completed with more hours to learn special and more particular types of therapy. Knowing more will, of course, allow you to make more as you will be able to accept a larger list of clients. When you have a regular list of clients, you not only have a steady income, but you have the potential to earn more.


Salaries in Comparable Occupations

There are massage therapists who work in posh spas where the clients have comfortable incomes and are able to pay more for services, as well as provide more gratuity.  The average therapist, however; makes a lower annual salary than those in comparable occupations:


  • Massage Therapist earn approximately annually     $ 37,000
  • Clinical Laboratory Technicians                                 $ 41,000
  • Registered Nurses                                                      $ 70,000
  • Physical Therapists                                                     $ 84,000
  • Paramedics                                                                 $ 35,000
  • Medical Assistants                                                      $ 31,000


The massage therapist field is growing as more and more health care practitioners  view it as an important part of a patient’s overall wellness plan. When massage is recognized as an important part of how injuries and mental health issues are treated, it could see an increase in the annual salary for those in this profession.


How Will This Field Grow?

According to BLS data, the field for massage therapists will grow by 22 percent by the year 2024. Other careers in comparable occupations are only predicted to grow by 7 percent, so this makes the massage therapist field one of the fastest growing fields. The highest competition for therapists will be in the high-end spas. When a facility is more expensive, it will offer a higher pay rate along with more generous gratuities.


Competition in the Field

When a person first starts out as a massage therapist, they generally begin with the less competitive areas such as; corporate environments, hotels, or airports. There are many companies who hire therapists to visit their offices to provide massages to employees and relieve their stress.

If you are looking for a way to remain separated from competition, you could specialize in a massage therapy that is more in demand. You will have an edge over other therapists if you specialize in Asian bodywork, medical massage, or other unique and specialized types of massage therapy.


Who Hires Massage Therapists?

Massage therapists are hired by a number of different facilities:

  • Offices and other health practitioners
  • Amusement and recreation industries
  • Personal care services
  • Traveler accommodations such as high-end hotels and cruise ships


The number one path for a massage therapist’s career is to be self-employed and work independently. Before reaching that goal, they generally begin by starting out in one of these facilities or one similar.


How to Advance in a Massage Therapist Career

Experience is the answer to advancing your career as a massage therapist. Practicing your techniques and improving on them is your best opportunity. Unless you want to learn more techniques, you do not have to seek further education, instead you can gather a larger client base to help your career move forward.


If you are looking to begin a career as a massage therapist, your choice is a good one. This field offers independent employment, increased growth in its industry and the potential for reasonably increased income.