Are you gearing up for your New Jersey Massage & Bodywork License Renewal? By November 30, 2020, you will need to fulfill your biennial massage therapy continuing education (CE) licensing requirements!
Here are some of the most commonly asked questions about massage license renewal. We are also spotlighting some approved courses you can take this year to make sure you meet your requirements!
Quick Overview: Upcoming CE Courses to Fulfill State Requirements
- Introduction to Eastern Bodywork: 6/6 & 6/7
- Event Massage: 8/1 & 8/2
- Master’s Massage: 5/13 & 5/14
- Reflexology: 5/16 & 5/17
- Sports Massage: 6/15 & 6/22
Tinton Falls
- Introduction to Eastern Bodywork: 3/7-3/8
- Manual Lymph Drainage: 4/4, 4/5, 4/18, 4/19, 5/2, 5/3
- Event Massage: 4/4-4/5
Am I required to complete continuing education courses to renew my NJ Massage Therapy license?
Yes. Each holder of a massage & bodywork license in New Jersey must complete 20 credit hours of continuing education related to the practice of massage and bodywork therapy during the preceding biennial renewal period.
These 20 credit hours must include at least two hours in the subject of ethics.
For Example
Massage and Bodywork Therapy licenses that expire on November 30, 2014. Licensees must complete 20 credit hours of continuing education between December 1, 2012 and November 30, 2014.
Courses that are related solely to the business practice of licensees and courses in practices which licensees are prohibited from engaging in WILL NOT satisfy the continuing education requirements.
If I was licensed during the first year of the biennial renewal period (December 1st of every even year through November 30th of every odd year), how many continuing education credits do I need to complete before my license expires?
You must complete 20 credit hours of continuing education credits for that biennial renewal period.
If I was licensed during the second year of the biennial renewal period (December 1st of every odd year through November 30th of every even year), how many continuing education credits do I need to complete before my license expires?
You must complete 10 credit hours of continuing education credits for that biennial renewal period. The 10 credit hours must include at least two hours in ethics.
When and where do I send my continuing education certificates of completion?
Do not send documentation to the New Jersey Board of Massage and Bodywork Therapy unless you receive an official “continuing education audit” letter. If your name is selected at random to be audited, you will then be provided with specific instructions and you will have 14 days from receipt of the continuing education audit letter to submit all of the pertinent documents to the Board. N.J.A.C. 13:37A-4.3(b) requires all licensees to retain continuing education documentation for a period of four years after completion of the credit hours.
How many credits can be obtained from courses presented online or through DVDs?
A maximum of six of the mandatory 20 credit hours of continuing education can be obtained from courses presented online (Internet courses) or through DVD courses.
How many credits can I carry over into the succeeding biennial period?
A licensee who completes more than the required 20 hours of continuing education credits in any biennial period may carry no more than 18 of the additional credit hours into a succeeding biennial period. A licensee who carries over credits into a biennial period must complete, during that biennial period, at least two hours in the subject of ethics. Two hours of ethics education must be completed for every biennial renewal period.
Which continuing education courses or programs are approved?
A licensee may obtain continuing education credit hours from courses or programs related to the practice of massage and bodywork therapy, one credit hour for each hour of instruction. Courses and programs must be approved by, or offered by providers approved by:
- National Certification Board for Therapeutic Massage and Bodywork (NCBTMB)
- National Certification Commission for Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine (NCCAOM) Asian Bodywork Therapy Examination
- The American Massage Therapy Association (AMTA)
- The American Organization for Bodywork Therapies of Asia (AOBTA)
- The Association of Bodywork and Massage Professionals (ABMP)
- The American Nurses Credentialing Center (ANCC)
- The American Polarity Therapy Association (APTA)
- The American Physical Therapy Association (APTA)
- The Federation of State Massage Therapy Boards (FMSTB)
- The International Association of Structural Integrators (IASI)
- The American Medical Association (AMA)
- The Rolf Foundation
- A state board of massage and bodywork, physical therapy or chiropractic.
Renewal Procedure Questions
How often must a Massage and Bodywork license be renewed?
The renewal period is biennial. All Massage and Bodywork therapy licenses expire every two years on November 30th of any even-numbered year, regardless of the date of licensure.
What is the cost to renew a massage and bodywork license?
The massage and bodywork license renewal fee is $120.00.
Can a license be placed on “inactive” status?
Yes. A massage and bodywork license can be placed on inactive status by checking “yes” for the appropriate question on the biennial renewal application, or by sending a written request to the New Jersey Board of Massage and Bodywork Therapy. The fee for an inactive status license is $60.00. However, be advised that placing your license on inactive status means that you may not practice as a massage and bodywork therapist in the State of New Jersey.
How can a license be reactivated?
In order to reactivate a license, an application to reactivate an inactive license must be completed by the applicant and mailed to the Board of Massage and Bodywork Therapy. The applicant is required to present satisfactory proof that he or she has maintained proficiency by completing the continuing education credits that were required for every biennial period that the applicant has been on inactive status. The applicant must also hold a current certification in C.P.R., First Aid, and use of an automated external defibrillator (A.E.D.) from courses approved by the American Heart Association or a substantially similar course approved by the American Red Cross, the National Safety Council, Coyne First Aide Inc., The American Safety and Health Institute or EMP International Inc.
What is the fee for a massage therapy license?
- What is the fee for a massage therapy license?
- If a massage and bodywork therapist applicant is eligible for a license during the first year of the biennial renewal period the fee for a license is $120.00. If a massage and bodywork therapist applicant is eligible for a license during the second year of the biennial renewal period the fee for a license is $60.00.
- The biennial cycle ends on November 31st of every even year.
- You must keep your address and email address current with the Board.
- You must complete your continuing education requirement prior to the renewal expiration date.
- Once an applicant is determined to be eligible for a license, the New Jersey State Board of Massage and Bodywork Therapy will notify the applicant and at that time the applicant can submit the licensure fee. Please do not send the fee prior to notification
Renewing a License: Where do I attain the form to renew – I do not see it?
The form to renew is underneath the applications tab. If you click where it says, “CLICK HERE TO START AN APPLICATION,” you will be taken to THIS PAGE, which is where you can submit your information to renew.
If you haven’t previously registered, SCROLL to where it says, “If you wish to apply for a business or facility license, renew an existing business license, submit name or address changes, request a duplicate license, or request a facility inspection, click here to register (or click the Register a Business link on the left). This is not for license renewal of health care agencies.”